
Category: Meeting

September Luncheon Meeting – Cartooning Basics for Artistically-Challenged Trainers

Cartooning Basics for Artistically-Challenged Trainers Presenter: Mike Artell, Award-Winning Cartoonist & Humorist Meeting Description: An informative, practical and entertaining lunchtime awaits those who come to the September ASTD chapter meeting. Learn how to incorporate simple yet powerful drawings into your training repertoire. Mike Artell, award-winning cartoonist and humorist, has spoken at numerous national ASTD conferences,…

August Luncheon Meeting

Classroom Facilitation Tips and Tricks Presenters: Selected ASTD Members Meeting Description: Many of us are called on to facilitate classroom learning. A high-impact training class is often a core piece of an organization’s learning and performance strategy. This ASTD program invites you to experience first hand how to make your classroom training the most effective…

July Luncheon Meeting – Blended Learning – How Do Others Do It?

Blended Learning – How Do Others Do It? Meeting Description: This month, the e-Learning Special Interest Group (eSIG) joins forces with the chapter programs committee to bring you a topic mysterious to many in the learning and development field—blended learning. During this luncheon, we will explore the exact definition of blended learning (straight from ASTD…

June Breakfast Meeting

SHARE YOUR SUCCESSES Meeting Description: We’re shaking it up a bit for the month of June! Enjoy a change of venue, time and format with a buffet breakfast at the elegant University Club, located on the Southbank near downtown. At our June meeting we will draw on the vast resources within our chapter membership and…

May Luncheon Meeting – Facilitating Change in an Organization’s Service Culture

Facilitating Change in an Organization’s Service Culture Presenter: Teri Yanovitch Meeting Description: Creating world-class customer service doesn’t just happen; nor does any kind of change, for that matter. Change must be planned and led from the top if it is to become ingrained into the fabric of the organization. Our speaker, Teri Yanovitch, will guide…

April Luncheon Meeting-Training’s Role in Achieving High Organizational Performance

Training’s Role in Achieving High Organizational Performance Presenter: Gary Lear Intuitively we know that Training and Development efforts can help the organization perform. But where should we put our efforts? What kinds of programs make a difference? Three years of research and over 800 studies, articles and books led Gary Lear to the discovery of…

March Luncheon Meeting – Managing Organizational Change

Managing Organizational Change Presenter: Dr. Felicia Bridgewater Many of us face constant change within our organizations. While we accept it as part of doing business, we do not always embrace it nor do we actively seek to facilitate the change. The concept of change management is so critical that the Northeast Florida chapter of ASTD…

February Luncheon Meeting

Scenario Based Learning Adventures in the Workplace Presenters: Volunteers from the Winn-Dixie Training Department We all know that learning is not a spectator sport. Learners do not discover much by just sitting and listening, memorizing prepackaged assignments, and spitting out answers. The use of experiential learning has many benefits for the learner, such as increased…