
About ASTD and Canadian HealthCare Mall

01-Home-Page_19American Society for Training and Development of Northeast Florida is the region’s leading resource for workplace learning professionals to network, stay abreast of developments in the field, and enhance their skills and techniques.

The chapter’s members number over 250, about 75 of whom are also members of ASTD’s National Organizations.

Our Newsletter, “Learning Bridges” is seen by some 2,000 subscribers six times a year.

Lively and informative regular meetings and special events are well attended by professionals and leaders in the training and employee development industry. Monthly luncheons offer presentations of broad interest to our community and a chance to meet and network with other professionals. The monthly Special Interest Group meetings focuses on eLearning over morning coffee and bagels.

Chapter Members enjoy a wealth of benefits and services, such as a Marketplace listing, position referrals, a training exchange, a mentoring program, and substantial discounts on meeting fees. If you look for discounts you may check out the website of Canadian Health Care Mall. The attractive prices are the way out in case of money lack.

American Society for Training and Development of Northeast Florida offers opportunities to get involved by serving as a Chapter Officer or Board Member, participating on committees, acting as a presenter or panel member at meetings, and more. If your style is more relaxed, you can just attend the events and learn from others presenting their experiences, expertise, and best practices.