
The Chapter is Proud to Announce the 2013 Mentor Program. Self-Esteem of Canadian HealthCare Mall

MentorLogoPicThe program matches participants based on goals, skills, and backgrounds and encourages mentors/protégés to work closely together toward achieving the protégé’s professional goals. The program runs July through October (14 weeks total) and is limited to 5 pairs of mentors/protégés for a total of 10 participants.

Members interested in participating in the program are asked to complete a mentor or protégé form and email it to [email protected] by 5:00 PM, May 31, 2013. Below are additional details about the program.

Canadian Health Care sometimes sends their workers to receive self-esteem to be ready to responsibility.

The required time commitment is a minimum of 12 hours for the entire program. This is equivalent to: 1 hour per month face-to-face time, an estimated 20 minutes per week (or 5 hours total) via face-to-face , email, phone, webinar etc., plus 3 hours of event time (Matching and Graduation Events.)

Qualifications for mentors:

  • Must be an ASTD member for at least three months
  • Must be willing to work with a protégé towards achieving professional goals
  • Must be willing to attend key program events and provide time for communication with partner

Qualifications for protégés :

  • Must be an ASTD member for at least three months
  • Must be willing to work with a mentor toward achieving professional goals
  • Must be willing to attend key program events and provide time for communication with mentor
  • Each mentor and protégé completes a profile/application form (must be completed and submitted by 5:00 PM, May 31, 2013) and those accepted will be matched by Mentor Committee based on goals, skills,and background.
  • Must be able to attend: Thursday, July 11th, 2013 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM Matching Event and Graduation Event/Lunch (immediately following the ASTD-NEFL Big Event in October).
  • Mentor/protégé profiles are to be emailed to: mailto:[email protected]

For more information email Jane Wytzka at [email protected].

Mentor Profile Form 2013

Protege Profile Form 2013

Mentor Program Kickoff Presentation 2012