
Category: Meeting - Part 3

September Monthly Meeting – Speed Networking!

SPEED NETWORKING presented by: Marilyn Feldstein CEO & Certified Career Coach of Career Choices Unlimited, Inc. SPEED NETWORKING, the corporate equivalent to speed dating is one of the fastest growing forms of structured networking. According to Wikipedia, “speed dating” is a formalized matchmaking process whose purpose is to encourage people to meet a large number…

August Luncheon Meeting: Recent Trends in Learning and Development

Due to the severe weather threat for our area, the main meeting and break-out sessions have been canceled. If you have already registered a refund will appear on your credit card statement. The Impact of Recent Trends in Learning & Development: A Case Study Using the Sales Team as a Barometer for Showing Value (+…

July Luncheon Meeting: Preludes & Props

July Luncheon Meeting PRELUDES AND PROPS FOR PRESENTATIONS This has become one of the most popular ASTD-NEFL events! Don’t miss this opportunity to gain a new icebreaker, energizer, or prop! Whether we are training a course, facilitating a meeting, leading a seminar, or giving a presentation, we need to warm up the crowd and focus…

June Luncheon Meeting: Strategic HRD in Action

June Luncheon Meeting Strategic HRD in Action: Measuring Training Impact Potential to Improve Performance and Business Results Presented By Greg V Michalski, PhD, PMP® Greg’s presentation demonstrates and summar-izes results of a Strategic HRD approach used to measure Training Impact Potential (TIP) for per-formance improvement and business planning. He will use a business case study…

May Luncheon Meeting: Movies to Manage By

May Luncheon Meeting Movies to Manage By presented by: Linda Plummer, MBA, SPHR Have you ever watched a Hollywood movie and thought, “That scene would be perfect in my class!” Film – and the energetic discussions it stimulates – provides powerful insights. These leadership “moments of truth” illustrate what leaders do. Each scene encourages you…